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Lord of Your Words

Friday, June 28, 2024

Scripture: Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.  Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV)

Observation: The word “corrupt” in the original Greek language of the New Testament literally means  “insipid,” without “the salt of grace” (Col 4:6), and therefore worthless and then becoming corrupt.: this includes “foolish talking” (Eph 5:4). Its opposite is “that which is good to edifying.”

Application: I just received this from a friend:
A young disciple of a wise man once asked him, “Master, a friend was speaking ill about you.”
“Stop!” interrupted the wise man; “Have you made sure that what you’re about to tell me has passed through the three doors?”
“The three doors?”
“Yes.  The first door is TRUTH.  Are you sure that what you’re going to tell me is absolutely true?”
“No. Y heard it from some neighbors.”
“Well, at least you have made your information go through the door GOODNESS.  Will what you’re going to tell be good to me or anybody else?”
“No, not really. . . the opposite.”
“The last door is NECESSARY.  Is it necessary for me to know what bothers you so much?”
“Actually, no.”
“Therefore,” said the wise man smiling, “If it’s not TRUE, or GOOD, or NECESSARY, let’s buried it in forgetfulness.”

     When it comes to our relationships with our spouse, loved ones, or friends, we must remember that words can do much harm, so we must think carefully what we’re going to say before doing it.  Someone wrote: “You are a slave of the things you say, but Lord of the words you don’t.”   It is easier to hold the words we have not said than to bring back those that have already come out of our mouth.  The apostle Paul reminds us of the importance of saying only words that serve for the edification and encouragement of others.  Think of what positive things you can say to and about your spouse that will affirm them, encourage them, strengthen them.  Think of what you can do to help your children develop a good strong sense of self.  Most importantly, think of what you can say to your loved ones and others that will help them experience God’s grace in their lives.  Don’t be a slave of your words. . . be their master.”

A Prayer You May Say: Father God, help me to use all that I say to strengthen, encourage, and build others up, never to tear anyone down.

Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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